MCRC - 30 Years of Fostering New Beginnings

Margaret Chisholm Resettlement Centre

She would be proud of the organization that she started

- Father Patrick Chisholm

My mother was already in the hospital by the time the building was built.

I remember the building when it was brand new. It was quite amazing to see something that sort of started in our kitchen becoming this great enterprise, you know, and it’s so helpful to people.

Growing up, it was not uncommon for us bumping into people you didn’t recognize, at our home. We didn’t have a shower in the upstairs bathroom. So, I had to come downstairs. And there, quite often, I’d run into people I’ve never met before.

And that that thing has grown into a big organization.

I don’t know if she had the vision of Margaret Chisholm Reception Center. I think her vision just was to meet the needs of the people.

I remember we would go out to drive with my mom. She wouldn’t drive past any ‘for-rent’ sign. If there was a new sign, she stopped and went in and found the details so it would be there when she needed it to house people.

I think mom was just interested in meeting the need and particularly in the people as individuals and that they could be settled, they could have a place to live in Canada and they could reestablish their lives. I think that was very important for her. I think she also sponsored a number of refugees herself so that Canada was a place they could come to.

She was very big in relationships. That was sort of her thing.

I remember there was a family from Africa, I don’t remember where in Africa, but they had a child and they asked mom and dad to be the godparents of the child.

I think she would be proud. Proud that it is still there and you are helping people. And that, I think would be the important part for her.

She was trying to just help people. Yes. And then, yeah, I hope that she would be proud of the organization she started.

Father Patrick Chisholm is Pastor at St Joseph Church in Langley. He is son of Margaret Chisholm, after whom MCRC is named.


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