Home / Immigrant Seniors Services
Immigrant Seniors Services facilitate reciprocal integration among senior services and immigrant senior populations through a community development process. It attempts to reduce social isolation among immigrant seniors by encouraging them to participate in multicultural events, social activities and educational sessions throughout the city. The program engages strong leaders from within the various ethnic groups and involves community volunteers in connecting with newcomers, low-income seniors and those isolated be it for reasons of health, limited knowledge of resources or those without family members.
Seniors regardless of ethnicity are welcome to join the program. The ideal age is 60 and over but those who are 50 plus are welcome to join.
For more information please contact a coordinator by email of phone.
Direct Line: 403.290.5755 | Main Line: 403.262.2006 | Cell Phone: 403.629.4604Â
Direct Line: 403.290.5754 | Main Line: 403.262.2006  | Cell Phone: 403 290 5754Â
The many events that ISS organizes are very beneficial for seniors like us. Apart from the symposium, which is very helpful, it is nice to simply gather and allow seniors to meet each other and develop friendships. Rudy and I are very grateful to CCIS for having this program. It gets us out of the house and we have made a lot of new friends.
Immigrant Senior Services program is one for all and all for one-very open and democratic
I will not be around in the next 35 years, but my spirit will remain to see CCIS grow and become stronger as an agency serving newcomers and the seniors, continue to help newcomers and the seniors, and continue to make seniors happy and confident that they are still worthy and valued in this world. Thank you CCIS.
In partnership, we empower immigrants and refugees to successfully settle and integrate in our communities.