Resettlement and Integration Services


Resettlement and Integration Services

The Resettlement and Integration Services (RIS) division offers support services to assist Government Assisted Refugees (GARs) and other newcomers in transitioning to their new life in Calgary. RIS provides specific programs for refugee children and youth to help them develop independence, build capacity within their family structure, and enhance their economic success. Our team of multicultural counselors provides settlement assistance in over a dozen languages to ensure our clients can effectively communicate and get the help they need. 

Resettlement and Integration Programs

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Join Our Dedicated Team Of Caring Professionals

CCIS is proud of our reputation for providing exceptional service to our clients of every nationality, culture and heritage.

We do so with a dedicated team of multi-lingual, multi-denominational staff.

If you would like to join our team, check out our current job postings. If there are no postings, please come back soon for a visit! 

Current Postings

Click here to see a list of our current oppourtunities.

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Caring Employees


Make A Direct Impact on Your Community by Donating to CCIS (Calgary Catholic Immigration Society).

We acknowledge all donors who contribute so generously to CCIS. Your contribution honours the courage and resiliency of Alberta’s newest residents.

Donations? Call Us: 403.262.2006

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