The Youth Hub

The Youth Hub


The Youth Hub

The Youth Hub provides youth ages 15-30 with getting ready for work or exploring schooling, looking for a job and making sure you keep and succeed on the job. We offer three different sections to make sure that we help you in the best way possible. You can take one of the following.

Pathway to Integration
Future Direction
Bridge to Success

Is this for me?

I’m feeling lost. I don’t know where to start with my new life in Canada. I need help getting ready for a job and finding one.

I can easily use a computer to find the information I need to settle. I need help with finding a job in Canada.

I have experience working in a professional role before coming to Canada. I have strong computer and English skills. I need some help finding a professional role.

What’s included?

A 14-week class followed by a 12-week paid work experience

A 10-week class followed by a 10-week paid work experience 

A 4-week combined classroom and self study period followed by a 16-week paid work experience

What topics are covered?

Clear communication, problem solving, health and wellness, Canadian culture, time management, decision making, money management, 1 week of basic computer training, resume writing, preparing for interviews, job search and more.

Self-care, Canadian workplace culture, professionalism, assessing your skills and communicating them clearly, career exploration, responding to job postings, resume and cover letter writing, interview preparation and more.  

Accessing the hidden job market, career progression and decision-making strategies, foreign credential recognition, professional job search strategies, self promotion techniques and more.

What do I get?

  • Personalized Support
  • Transit tickets for travel to and from class
  • Help with childcare costs
  • Help find a paid work experience
  • Personalized Support
  • Transit tickets for travel to and from class
  • Help with childcare costs
  • Help find a paid work experience
  • Personalized Support
  • Transit tickets for travel to and from class
  • Help with childcare costs
  • Help find a paid work experience

Who am I?

  • 15-30 years old
  • I have a minimum Canadian Benchmark Level of 4
  • I am a permanent resident, Canadian citizen or
  • a refugee claimant with a notice of decision
  • I’m not in school full time 
  • 15-30 years old
  • I have a minimum Canadian Benchmark Level of 4
  • I am a permanent resident, Canadian citizen or
  • a refugee claimant with a notice of decision
  • I’m not in school full time 
  • 15-30 years old
  • I have a minimum Canadian Benchmark Level of 4
  • I am a permanent resident, Canadian citizen or
  • a refugee claimant with a notice of decision
  • I’m not in school full time 

Workshop Dates




Still confused? Don’t worry we will help you figure it out! Contact us, fill in the form and we will be in contact with you shortly. 

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We acknowledge all donors who contribute so generously to CCIS. Your contribution honours the courage and resiliency of Alberta’s newest residents.

Donations? Call Us: 403.262.2006

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