Home / Mentorship for Integration
The Mentorship for Integration program strongly emphasizes on the power of guidance, support, and collaboration to facilitate the seamless integration of skilled immigrants. This volunteer-driven initiative pairs newcomers with industry experts who share a similar professional background.
By providing essential connections, information, and fostering cross-cultural understanding, the program ensures a smooth transition into the Canadian workplace. Its primary objective is to secure sustainable employment in a profession that aligns with the participants’ education, experience, and expertise. Over time, the program has achieved numerous successful matches.
Rural Mentorship for Integration (RMFI) is a volunteer-based 16 week program designed to bring skilled newcomers living within certain rural communities in Southern Alberta together with professionals who share similar employment backgrounds.
This career-based matching will help support immigrant mentees integrate into their profession within the Canadian Workplace.
In partnership, we empower immigrants and refugees to successfully settle and integrate in our communities.