Mentorship for Integration


Mentorship for Integration

The Mentorship for Integration program strongly emphasizes on the power of guidance, support, and collaboration to facilitate the seamless integration of skilled immigrants. This volunteer-driven initiative pairs newcomers with industry experts who share a similar professional background.

By providing essential connections, information, and fostering cross-cultural understanding, the program ensures a smooth transition into the Canadian workplace. Its primary objective is to secure sustainable employment in a profession that aligns with the participants’ education, experience, and expertise. Over time, the program has achieved numerous successful matches.

  • Immigrant keen on understanding the Canadian workforce culture and cross-cultural nuances.
  • A Canadian Language Benchmark Level 6 or higher.
  • A desire to integrate into the Canadian workplace and culture.
  • Professional background and experience with established occupational roles in Canada.
  • Eagerness to share and transfer his/her knowledge and skills to immigrants.
  • Knowledge of current market demands, required skills, and accreditation procedure.
  • Interpersonal and listening skills, cross-cultural awareness, and open-mindedness.
  1. Engineering
  2. Accounting
  3. Finance
  4. Information Technology
  5. Architecture
  6. Social Work
  7. Healthcare
  8. Education
  9. Human Resources
  10. Journalism
  11. Legal Services
  12. Marketing and Communication
  13. Geology and Geophysics

Outside of Calgary?

Rural Mentorship for Integration (RMFI) is a volunteer-based 16 week program designed to bring skilled newcomers living in rural Alberta together with professionals who share similar employment backgrounds.  For more information or to contact a rural location click the service link below.

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Make A Direct Impact on Your Community by Donating to CCIS (Calgary Catholic Immigration Society).

We acknowledge all donors who contribute so generously to CCIS. Your contribution honours the courage and resiliency of Alberta’s newest residents.

Donations? Call Us: 403.262.2006

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